I begin to see signs of life, just need to keep nourishing it.

Interacting with a few early starters, the concept put to test is gaining traction. It hasn't produce synergy of any significance yet. No doubt it will come with time.
The open exchange of opinion & experience with some is just like meeting of the minds. While others seek opinion/assistance in one way or other.
So far 2 BH designs were privately shared & reviewed. One is under construction while the other is kicking off. Another member consults for his humidity set-up.
Behind doors, technical discussions kicked off dealing with electrical hazards in BH and re-examine established norms of micro-environment.
This is encouraging. Similar to a Forex network, "Traders help Traders"... we are into "Farmers help Farmers".
Membership will be capped as of end March, 2011 for the time being. I feel next phase is to settle-in, knowing each other better and work on a clearer road map in the process.
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