After the first interview granted to foreign journalists.. as BBC reports:
"The Libyan leader, Col Muammar Gaddafi, has denied there is any fighting on the streets of Tripoli and has said that he is loved by all his people.
Col Gaddafi told the BBC's Jeremy Bowen that protesters who had been demonstrating against him were from al-Qaeda.
He said that his people would die to protect him."
How hilarious! It is no laughing matter in Libya though.
This reminds of a recent incident as I read a blog post on tweeters - an article a friend sent "Are we using right frequency speakers". Allow me to add another case as
5) Case of "A little knowledge can mislead."
First I thought it was a post by a CON-sultant, as an explanation was flawed. I traced to the author trying to highlight the error. After a couple of emails exchanges to pin it down.
From final email:
"I see now that the first sentence I quoted from J....'s blog make you confused.
I think it should be written correctly as " the frequency range of a swiftlet sound is between.................... The word "echolocation" in that sentence should be left out."
Huh! So it was someone's (Fullard et. al., 1993) publication that was wrong! Does one quote others' words with "correction" by omission?
It amounts to "Not my fault really, only if the quote is corrected so won't confuse you." Am I confused, really? How hilarious!
Perhaps this cartoon tells the story better...

To deny reality when confronted, is being blind with eyes wide open. Gaadafi or not, is another case of self denial.
One of my past time is "people watching".. many amusing people out there. There is a Chinese saying which translates literally to "Watch the world beneath with laughing eyes".
pak hen gave him a dressing down too!
in the kingdom of the blind, one eye jack is the king...
Errrr, not "him" Tweetybird... a person of other gender.
Ayah.. your words has its wisdom.
Truth in knowledge were established over time. There was a time people thought the earth was flat and the sun revolved around us.
Better keep an open mind and not let self pride or ego clouds judgment.
Come to knowledge, may be there is no absolute truth as time and again subject to scrutiny.
Nobody is King as far as knowledge is concerned.. and Kings don't know all either!
Touch down. Flag up . WTG Bro,
all needs time and not too much.. this is a true quote i pick up somewhere "a pityfull story friends.
I first started off teaching myself Greek, made good progress, then switched to Latin because there's more literature and history in Latin. And because it
also seems easier to learn. But I miss Greek! And want to come back. Despite the fact that Greek is harder, I'm coming back to it.
(God i wasted so much time!)
oooo! the other J?
Hakuna Matata, bros and broquettes !!
Its "T" not "J".. as in Tweetybird, Tweeter, Thanks, etc :o)
dunno the person
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