"Feng Shui" literally translates to "Wind" & "Water". My narrow understanding relates "Wind" to ventilation & "Water" to humidity and both unified by concept of thermal energy in the BH. Come to think about it, there is always wind and water "energy" around the BH, isn't it?

I've have seen many BH with "Feng Shui" plaque mounted at a prominent spot, some above entrance hole. Some placed to face physical obstructions far away, such a steel antenna tower, chimney of a temple crematorium or even neighboring BH! An application of super-natural energy?

My curiosity remains confined to the cultural links between the octagonal "Feng Shui" symbol to the Dharma wheels...

seen at Buddhist and Hindu Temple gates.

I was visiting a friend's BH under construction in southern Thailand last year. There is a 90 deg. turn from main entrance to the passageway leading upstairs. Still in time to make adjustment I thought.
"So why not move the entrance to align with the passageway?" I suggested.
"The Feng Shui master said the entrance should face that direction to match my personal "attributes"." came the reply.
Oh..wow, that is beyond my comprehension and end of story!
Feng Shui masters are more empowering (& better paid) than consultants I guess. Another angle for CON-sultants to ponder... for
"Perception is Reality"
He provides the "X-factor" for the success of your BH,
else not his problem if otherwise!
I once watch a TV interview of Malaysian "Feng Shui" master on job matching "employee's facial" attributes to work roles. It is based on scientific principles too.. blah..blah..blah. Amazing, why I can never think like them?
As he was challenged, does it really work? "We only provide the guidelines, it's up to management to implement correctly", how adept was the answer.
"Head" he wins, "Tail" he doesn't loose either.
Same, same, how nice!
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