The idea of a Swiftlet Farmers Handbook was mooted more than a year ago. I procrastinated over it on and off wondering if it is worthwhile.
What the hack, does it matter? "Just do it".. and let time prove its worth!

An online medium is the most convenient means for access, materials may be added gradually over time and regular updates. Rather than compile under one umbrella, technical contents are spread into 3 broad categories under:
1) Bird House Design Fundamentals
1. Thermal basics
- Measurement of thermal energy
- Specific heat capacity
- Thermal insulation/conduction
- Latent Heat
- Properties of air
- Properties of water
- Thermal Energy stored in air, water and water vapor
- Concept of BH Thermal Model
- Thermal Conduction through walls
2. Designs for Shop Units conversion
Case studies of well designed BH + members contribution
3. Designs of Standalone Farms
Case studies of well designed BH + members contribution
4. New Design Concepts
2) Swiftlet Sound System Fundamentals
Objectives: (Details as in previous blog)
1. Empowers you audit your sound system & improve its design
2. Empowers you to upgrade your sound system components and its maintenance
3. Knowledge of what constitute a quality tweeter and how to test it
4. Choosing tweeters: cost vs. performance - Fit for use criteria?
5. Getting more out the internal sound system with fake nest/Styrofoam
3) Bird House Management Handbook
1. Temperature/Humidity monitoring instruments
Application - selection criteria & set up
2. Types of Humidifiers
Application - selection criteria & set up
3. Light Level measurements
4. Sound Level measurements
5. Aromas
6. Bird Sounds (internal, external, pulling)
7. Locations of fake nests/Styrofoam pads
8. Growth rate monitoring
9. Pests Control
10. Harvesting
11. Security issues
12. Remote monitoring
13. Other maintenance related issues
- Routine Hygrostat calibration
14. Innovative experiments
I don't compare with the new BH Design book costing US$200+, its value no doubt will exceeds that many times.
btw, mind telling me what is the tittle of the New design book and who is the write. Thanks in advance.
I was just about to remark you gloss over too quickly.
Good that you found the answer. I normally gave prior details before making reference to them.
This must be the best swiftlet book ever writtten.
i really interest to read the handbooks but why i cannot access the blog..i hope can get respond from sa soon as possible..tq..
I am new in swiftlet farming. I am very interested about your blog and swiftlet farmers handbooks. Is it possible to invite me in? Thanks!
Very interesting and helpful handbook. Please grant me your invitation then I can access in. Thank you very much for sharing.
interested about your swiftlet farmers handbooks... would appreciate if you can grant me to access... thanks in advance...
i am interested in the book, could you invite me in.
Hi, i just stumbled over your blog and i need to be invited to view your blog.. would you mind invite me.. thank you.. james:
Hi, I am very interested in these book, can you pls invite me to get these book for ref. thank in advance.
Dear Walet.twins,
Just found your blog and amused by so many valueable info posted. I am new this and read lot of info piece by piece from blog, confused me from time to time and get lost.
I would appreciate your help to grand me the access to this handbooks.
Thanks in advance
Hi, your book would be good reference for me as I am totally new to swiftlet farming and trying to learn as much as possible before building a BH. Can you please grant me access to your book? Thanks very much.
Interresting blog indeed. I am just rsearching on the subject at the moment. I'd appreciate very much if you could grant me access to your handbook.
Hi everyone just i saw "Bird House Designs" but i'll get great article for "Bird House Design Fundamentals"
Dear friend,
Why so long time you don't write on your blog ?
(From August 27, 2011 on "My hobby Farms")
What happen to you ?
Pla take care
i m newbie! i m interested in yr blog very much pls give me an offer to read
I am interested with the handbook in swiftlet farming as well. would appreciate if you can grant me to access. Thanks :)
Planning to invest in bird farming in East Kalimantan. Would appreciate access to your publications/site.
Best regards,
Kjeld (Frandsen)
Hi, i just stumbled over your blog and i need to be invited to view your blog.. would you mind invite me.. thank you.. anwar:
Hi, can i be added to your blog please.
Thank you
Very interesting and helpful handbook. Please grant me your invitation then I can access in. Thank you very much for sharing.
Very interesting and helpful handbook. Please grant me your invitation then I can access in. Thank you very much for sharing.
Hi, currently looking for a way to improve my current BH to attract more swiftlet and especially interested to learn more about the sound system. Could you please grant me invitation so that I could assess.
Hi, i am looking for information to build a BH and interested in al information i can get.
could you please grant me a invitation so that i can access.
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