A question was posed to me the other day.
"Questions on design
Does a swiftlet colony fly in one direction only (Clockwise or CC)? Read in a book by famous guy in the industry that it is so.
- My observation from the successful farm told me it couldn't be so as my main entrance to 2nd (floor) is counter clockwise, and staircase to lower floor is clockwise. And lower floor is densely populated. However, I don't know if they might have a dominant/preferred direction."
Answer being sought in consideration of the above to the internal layout of BH.
I have given opinion in response. To readers out there, anybody care to comment?
Let's see if this is a good test case of group synergy.
me dont know much Charles, however me think whether their flying pattern
cw or acw, they will adjust to the entrance hole and inside RR if properly design and enough maneuvering area. so be it left or right it is all the same to me,correct me if am wrong, LOL
p.s Hamilton might have certain preference to the design of the racing tracks, left or right, and would he not race if things are not design to his preference, just a wid thought, lol
Both direction lah. S shape, C shape, pending on bh layout.
Yup, some consultants preach only 1 direction. Yup, true if you refer to particular bh but when they get to the sky, all directions.
Else you will see swiftlets flying round and round when the leave the bhs since only clockwise or anti clock wise if tat's true. :D
one is trying to capture young birds be it from a "ultimately" ccw bh or ultimately cw bh. Plan for both types of capture. 1 colony does not a bh make.
That is the part that bothers me. That's why I am leaning on the open roof design and a wide hole to the nesting room. The size n location of the hole to be made variable by sliding cement board panels ie like sliding windows so that I can shift the "hole" as the need arises. This also allows minute adjustment of amt of light. Is this a cuckoo idea?
Good to see feedback coming through. I'll wait for a couple more before summing up with my take.
I feel encouraged. Thanks folks.
Eric, if your BH is yet to build. Would you like some inputs & review of its design? PM me if so.
I am back to Singapore mid-May. Not difficult for me to take side trip up to Malaysia.
hi ericc, sure doesn't sound like a cuckoo idea to me but probably you'll need a CCTV to monitor to compare before and after adjustment. Ayah Embong, if you see how swiftlets maneuver along the small lanes during the evening, they're better than any jetplane pilots around. Hehe.
Charles, I think I am going blind, but I couldn't find a way to PM you. Usually, the PM button is somewhere hidden among the personal data page. But I couldn't find it. Where did you hide that PM button? I was about to email you that Google Sketch plan of mine for your persusal.
eric, my email chng.charles@gmail.com
I am coming by J.B. around mid-May to assess the BH condition of a member. He is relatively new to this, I reckon.
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