Thursday, February 10, 2011

What else about bird house designs?

There are several authoritative books on bird house designs. Not a general subject to dwelt with here. Just that a chain of thoughts that lead from one topic to another.

Last year I had the privilege to visit a friend's bird houses in Malaysia. These are very successful ones, all over a thousand nests each. I had enough time immersed in each internal ambiance and note any details that caught my attention.

They engaged a consultant initially. The results were pretty mediocre. So they took upon themselves and improved from there. At the end of the day I posed a simple question to his father, "What is the most important factor in your opinion?" He paused a moment and summed up with a thoughtful answer, "It's the design."

The three words don't tell much, but the answers are profound within. A good point as food for thought in spare moments. I did ponder over many factors.. reviewed variations of bird houses visited, think through critically and sieve out those more important than others.

This is a full row of bird houses, all look the same externally. The differentiation factors are inside - the "know how".

A point to highlight is that micro-environment though important is an essential factor but not the most crucial to the success of a bird house. In case anybody may be mislead from my last blog.

As a final note, suffice to say literature and seminar materials I came across cover general concepts in design but not much in depth. Good to write a treatise on it some day.

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