Saturday, January 9, 2010

Cleaning Bird Nests - Part 3

Recently I assembled a cleaning kit using off-the-shelve parts from a department store. So anyone can practically do the same.

Shown below is a water jug holding a wire mesh sieve at mid level where the bird nest is placed. A small aquarium pump (hidden from view) pumps water up till it overflows continually into the filter-cup (one I collected from iced coffee stall).

Both are seated in a larger plastic container. The amount of water is added till the flow rate is stabilized and overflow directed via the tappered end of the jug.

Well, I've tried out this new arrangement and quite happy with it. There are still some stubborn hairs trapped with some parts of the nest. It is quite easy to remove them after rising. At least I no longer labor over picking fine hairs from now on!


Tweeter said...


Thanks for the idea, I like it.
But couldn't figure out how it works.
Care to share by a short video clip or give more details stepwise?

Walet.twins said...

Hi Tweeter, it is essentially the same as my earlier Part 2 blog. As I am assembling few sets for my friends so I have to source for off the shelve parts this time.