The tweezers look alike, you will learn to differentiate them after using and appreciate the pair with sharper tips & gentler on fingers.
Then there are finer particles & feathers that seem an endless task to remove! Rinsing many times with water seem the only practical way. Still there are many fine hairs left to pick. So depend how clean you want it, the remaining task is still very time consuming! One can then understand why commercial cleaning resort to bleaching agents.
I did it several times for personal consumption. Each time I was motivated to find a better way. I toyed with the idea of using a ultra-sonic cleaner for a while. Its mechanical vibrations would help to shake loose the feathers & fine particles trapped within.
Recently I found this 35W ultrasonic cleaner that comes with a plastic tray. Fine hairs & particles are attracted to the plastic tray by electrostatics, which I find is a plus.
I tried and it does help and effective to some extend. Rather than to describe my experience here, I suggest it is better for one to experiment & discover for themselves. I merely want to introduce it as a tool here.
Great!! That's the modern way to do Nest Cleaning, but need time & effort to try out. Can u share where to get the 35W ultrasonic cleaner? I might try out the cleaning method.Thx my email:
How much does the ultrasonic cleaner cost?Where can I buy one?
Kindly let me know.Thanks.
wow!great!can you tell me where to buy it?
Hi folks, my apology for not getting back sooner. I hardly come back to check on comments.
Few of my friends had similar requests, if you like to purchase one, please drop me a note at
I am in process of procuring on their behalf.
Hi, u have a really great walet blog. I just want to check with u that the ultrasonic cleaner. Is it same with the ultrasonic cleaner where normally it use for watch, jewelry, glass...etc?
How much does the ultrasonic cleaner cost?
Please email me
How much does the ultrasonic cleaner cost?
Please email me
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